I stand on a platform for lowering the Municipal rate burden on our residents. If elected I will move a motion, the next time it comes before Council, to keep the annual rate income for the following fiscal year at its present level. Rather than accept the current practice of always adopting a rate increase often justified by a rise in the Consumer Price Index.

Moorabool especially the Bacchus Marsh township is in the midst of one of the fastest developing Urban land districts in the State of Victoria. This growth has had an unpresented significant increase to the income of the Moorabool Shire and if managed prudently, this significant increase will lower the rate burden for all Moorabool residents.

With this extra ordinary substantial increase in the number of rate payers to bear the burden of the annual rate revenue, there is no valid reason to impose on our rate payers with never ending annual increase in the rate levy.

Council must prune its expenditure and live within its means, to enable rate payers to afford this financial rate burden.

The community is at present in the most difficult cost of living economic crisis this century and if elected I will advocate for Council to implement a planned and programmed rate minimisation policy.
