The Bacchus Marsh traffic chaos must be addressed with extreme urgency to protect the health safety and wellbeing of not only our road users but also residents and pedestrians, who are forced into this toxic environment in the vicinity of the State Government designated heavy vehicle in Grant Street and Gisborne Road. The residents who not only have to contend with the roadside safety, but they also have to breathe heavily polluted air due to the toxic diesel exhaust gases emitted into the immediate environment from a never-ending line of heavy trucks on this State Government approved heavy truck route.

If elected I will put forward a plan that will remove all heavy vehicles from the Grant Street /Gisborne Road heavy vehicle designated route whilst still completely retaining the visual integrity of the World-renowned classified Avenue of Honour.

For the sake of the future health of the Avenue Elm trees it is also important to remove Heavy Vehicles from the Avenue.

As mentioned previously this health and safety situation of the State Government gazetted heavy vehicle route along Gisborne Road and Grant Street cannot be allowed to continue. This issue and must be addressed with extreme urgency and a solution agreed to by both Government and Council. The solution must be both practical and affordable by the Government so that construction can commence immediately.

A major concern of mine is the manner in which some of our newer residential areas can appear to be developing into an outer suburb of the Melbourne metropolitan area. Instead of trying to shoehorn as many small lots into a residential subdivision as possible, bearing in mind a majority of our newly arrived residents have or are planning to have a family.

The Government through the Victorian Planning Authority should be insisting Developers adopt a policy of producing street scapes that don’t force children to play on a public roadway or a public park.

Developers should be delivering street scapes that reflect a traffic calming, pedestrian friendly, cool in a summer leafy environment with curvilinear boulevards and quiet cul de sacs to reflect our rural environment.

If elected I will be acutely aware that Councils budget includes adequate funds for capital replacement to cover its annual road and footpath depreciation.

I will ensure that all future roadworks are designed and constructed in accordance with roadside landscape best practice to reflect a relaxed traffic calming and cooling environment in summer and place a greater emphasis on footpaths and shared bicycle paths. Local roads in an urban environment, as distinct from a collector road, are every bit as important for people as they are for local vehicles.

If elected I will focus on new residential planning to ensure the preservation of the rural culture of Moorabool and also ensure the new estates do not become alienated from the existing older street and road networks.
