I am an independent candidate having no affiliation with any political party and have been a ratepayer for over 30 years.

I seek your vote to enable me to complete the projects that require strong support to bring to a satisfactory finalisation.

I will advocate to ensure that all relevant Council policies reflect the need to adapt to a Climate change environment.

I will ensure that Council embraces the latest advancements in digital technology thus eliminating waste and duplication in all its forms.

Another concern of mine is when it comes to the engagement of consultants. With the size of the staff that is currently employed I have difficulty in justifying calling for reports on any Municipal matters given to consultants for consideration.

My vision is to have vibrant and resilient communities with unique identities by providing good governance and leadership, minimising environmental impact, stimulating economic development and improving social outcomes for a superior self-sustaining future.

With every successful organisation there comes an opportunity for renewal, for Local Government that opportunity comes in the form of an election once in a four year cycle. I believe that time for renewal is now.
