The State Governments proposal to construct an overhead 500kV transmission line from Ballarat to Sydenham traversing some of the most fertile soils in the State.
If this proposal goes ahead, it will totally destroy rural amenity of the properties along its entire alignment and in doing so will destroy the best and most treasured rural landscapes in the Shire.
This proposal will also create an extreme bushfire risk from the surrounding Wombat State Forrest together with the adverse health effects from electromagnetic radiation. This proposal will also create an extreme bushfire risk from the surrounding Wombat State Forrest together with the adverse health effects from electromagnetic radiation.
This proposal as it stands is the cheapest, however, a proper analysis of the project must also include the environmental impact, social impact, visual impact, bushfire threat along with ease of maintenance and upgrade along with the design service life of the asset.
It should also be noted that the recent Royal Commission into the Victorian Bushfires recommended that all new kV power lines be underground.
There has been significant advancement in underground kV technology which leads to a feasible underground alternative.
Another alternative is to select an existing southerly easement route or locate the transmission line along the Western freeway reserve.
I will be advocating to the best of my ability to stop the construction of the line in its present planned route.
Power lines in Europe and America are underground and so is the powerline to the Wonthaggi desalination plant. IT CAN BE DONE.
We all want to see electricity generated that doesn’t create pollution, so why don’t we become a model for green power for the World and put the conductors underground.
This would complete the aim of clean and green electricity that actually benefits everyone.
We have this most wonderful treasured landscape. We cannot allow it to be annihilated in any circumstance.